[s-cars] RE: washer line popoff

Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK) WQQ2PXK at ups.com
Wed Jan 14 10:27:08 EST 2004

Bob confessed:

<<<The original fuel that was recalled is an
example, as is the ECU boost line that always pops off the moisture trap on
the '92-'94 S4, and even the headlight washer lines (at least mine did).>>>

Heh Bob, IIRC that's b/c Tomlinson got tired of hearing about your RS2 turbo
being used as a paperweight in your living room while you rack up the miles
on the //S, and went ahead and hooked the sucker up to your wwasher pump
motor...  whoooooooooshhhhhhhh...


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