[s-cars] RE: bulbs

Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK) WQQ2PXK at ups.com
Wed Jan 14 12:37:27 EST 2004

Dave F. suggested swapping 9006 with 9005s:
From: Dave Forgie [mailto:forgied at direct.ca] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2004 12:46 AM
To: Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK)
Subject: Re: bulbs

Paul:  Yes. The trick is on the E34 board at

Is there a miraclulous difference? No. 

I get to drive on  rain-drenched light-sucking roads most of the time
(Vancouver - like Seattle).   What I actually want are aircraft landing
lights but, apparently, for reasons unknown to me, they are by some cruel
action, illegal.  So as a result, I must make do with a lousy few more
lumens (1700 vs 1000).  But hey, they don't cost very much.  So I do what I



I was going to respond direct to you but couldn't resist cc'ing the list as
it's an intriguing subject.  I figured as much on the move to 9005s and had
lost the link, but at least it is SOME difference.  Thanks.
I hear you on that rain-drenched light-sucking road bit.  I hate that
Now... HA!  Hilarious, now there are two psychos here who have actually
thought of aeronautic quality lighting for the car.  Beyond funny.  I
actually first thought of it a few months back when I stumbled across a
bunch of runway landing light lenses that I for some reason don't ask have a
stash of.  A bud and me were joking around trying to come up with a use for
them, and we stumbled onto the idea of installing a plane's landing lights
for aux. lighting.  

Again, HA!
I've been surprised there has yet to be any 'HapperLighting' debates yet on
the list, guess most are more focused on their stereos or more power.  Fools
8-).  I'm one step away from installing a full rally-spec array onto the
damn hood, lots of dark dry salty (reflective!) roads here to twist through.
Coming from my (years ago) 242GT with major lighting I miss it.  Cibie Z
beams 85/100 for lo/hi, then PIAA 90/115 (yellow/white) in the OE grille
mounts, and a set of 5" round PIAA 85s on the bumper.  Miss that fersure.
Esp. when some sucker cut me off or something, I loved when someone stumbled
into that unfortunate paint melting situation...
Oh well.  I can dream for now, I don't have the $$$ right now to go chasing
down that road again, not to mention I haven't quite had the car cross that
fine line of looking 'normal' to looking, er, well, you know.  Yet.  Heh
heh.  So for now, the 9005 mod will do 8-(.
Thanks.  Happy lighting.... let me know should you (or any other nut) ever
pursue aircraft lights!!!  Hap, and here we thought you were a pilot?  You
should be ashamed.  Rossato?  Don't you like build space suits and stuff?
Tsk tsk...
-P the issues just get deeper don't they K.


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