[s-cars] heater flap motor R&R

Vincent Frégeac vfregeac at sympatico.ca
Fri Jan 16 23:27:09 EST 2004

The temperature servo motor is on the upper part of the heater box. I
just don't remember if it's on the same side below the air flow flap or
on the other side.

Before you try the R&R of the servo motor, just remove the servo motor,
leave it connected and check if it moves when you change the set
temperature on the HVAC. If it doesn't move, open the motor case and
check if you see any voltage at the motor when you change the set
temperature. This procedure only applies if the motor get the voltage
but do not move, usually because of a burnt commutator and/or brushes,
at least in my case.

The procedure to R&R is simple and the commutator drop are not really
necessary. I bought it because I will use it anyway for my electric R/C
car. But the cleaning with the eraser should be enough:
- Open the motor case, slowly if you don't want to see gears flying
- Pry out the small motor and disconnect it
- Remove the brush springs - proceed with caution, they have a strong
tendency to fly around - and the brushes.
- Find a pencil with an eraser - the sandy type, not the smooth type -
and clean the round side of the brush with the eraser. Do not use sand
paper. Even the finest sand paper is to coarse and will ruin the
- Cut the eraser to fit in place of the brushes
- Fit the axle in a dremel and run it at the lowest speed, gently
pushing on the pieces of eraser. This will clean the commutator
- Remove the pieces of eraser and apply a small drop of commutator drop
on the commutator
- Reinstall the brushes and brush springs
- Pull gently on the brush wire to make sure the springs push on the
brush. If not, bend slightly the spring. The springs should only apply a
light pressure on the brush. If it pushes too much on the brushes, the
commutator life will be seriously reduced
- Run the motor in the dremel one minute then wipe out the excess of
commutator drop
- Test the motor with a 6V power source. Do not apply 12V, these motors
are made for 7.1V max, not 12V
- Reinstall the motor in the case
This procedure was initially made for R/C racing cars where the 7.2V
motors usually see 50-60A and burn a set of brushes in a few hours so it
should be good for a while on the small motors used for the HVAC flaps.
I've done the first flap motor R&R 18mo. ago and so far so good.


-----Message d'origine-----
De : Fairchance Pharmacy [mailto:fairchance at charter.net] 
Envoyé : 16 janv. 2004 17:06
À : Vincent Frégeac
Objet : Re: [s-cars] heater flap motor question

Thanks, Is this motor on the inside of the car in the pass footwell? How
about the motor that control air flow through heater core. I think it is
under the plastic cover where the windshield wipers are. Have you ever
changed that one? What is the procedure for R&R on this with the com.
I appreciate the help!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Vincent Frégeac" <vfregeac at sympatico.ca>
To: <fairchance at charter.net>; <s-car-list at audifans.com>
Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2004 7:31 PM
Subject: RE : [s-cars] heater flap motor question


I suppose you're talking about the temperature flap. The motor is on the
side of the heater box, I think it's on the passenger side but, anyway,
if you remove plastic cover behind the firewall, you should find it
easily. I would start by checking if you find 5-7V on one of the wire.
The VAG-COM code suggest the motor is not getting any voltage which may
be a connector, wiring or HVAC control problem, not necessarily a
servo-motor problem. BTW, I have R&R all defective servo motors with
great success: It takes less time than ordering a new one and the most
expensive R&R cost me 5$ for a bottle of commutator drops in an R/C

Vincent You won't get my money that easily Fregeac
-----Message d'origine-----
De : s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com
[mailto:s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com] De la part de
fairchance at charter.net
Envoyé : 14 janv. 2004 23:28
À : s-car-list at audifans.com
Objet : [s-cars] heater flap motor question

No heat today. Vag-com says heater flap motor no voltage. Is ther a BTDT
on the replacement of this?
Dave 95.5 S6

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