[s-cars] 93 urS4: no turn over, no start, no jump (MORNING AFTER)

Billing, Eric eric.billing at ugsplm.com
Thu Jan 22 11:35:24 EST 2004

Summary to date:


This mornings temp is 9 below, windchill 25-35 below. But as they say
"it's a dry cold". At least it's sunny. High today may get to 5 above.
Tomorrow's forecast is 16 and light snow. I'm stuck at home this
morning. The car is at work 30 miles away. I plan to head on over there
when it warms up a bit.


To repeat my predicament, my 93 urS4 111K miles, probably original
battery, wouldn't start last night. Turn the key, and nothing happens.
Lights and accessories (radio, climate control, power windows) all
appear to have power. Last night, lights on, headlights turn on/off at
the usual sequence (eg. Key off, lights off, parking lights on, Key on,
lights on, Key to start, lights dim a bit, etc.).


As I said, I believe it may be the original battery---which I will
gladly replace. However, if it was just a dead battery, would have the
accessories that I do, and why would I be unable to jump it. Now that
I'm home, I've reviewed the owner manual and found the location of the
negative terminal. Perhaps the AAA guy never got a good connection? He
appeared to trying several different locations. Now that I know the
location, I'll get up there with my own cables and try again. Maybe???


Others have suggested that the problem may be:


*	Security system with the suggestion to disconnect the battery
for a few minutes to clear it. While I didn't notice anything unusual
with the unlock/locking of the car, the fact that its stone cold
unresponsive (kind of like my Honda which would do nothing if the clutch
was not firmly planted on the floor) this suggestion makes a little
sense. Plus the suggested remedy is easy to do & verify.
*	Another suggestion was 'did you hear the fuel pump' which I have
to admit, that I didn't. Then again, I'm not certain if I ever hear the
fuel pump. I will take more careful observations of what I hear/don't
hear when I go up there this afternoon. I'll also do better job of
observing what happens to the accessories and lights when I try to
*	Starter failure or corrosion/poor connections on various starter
cables. Can you suggest some procedures (or Bentley references) to test?
Shouldn't I still be able to push start the car? I have to drive right
past a dealership on the way. Should I pick up a part or two---how much
would a cable, solenoid or starter be---or simply have AAA flatbed the
car to Anderson Motorsports (45 miles from where car is currently
located) and let them debug it?


Thanks for all of your suggestions.





Eric Billing

Eagan, MN


eric.billing at ugsplm.com

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