[s-cars] Re: RS2 Turbo Group Buy - Cross Post

auditude at cox.net auditude at cox.net
Sat Jan 24 16:24:13 EST 2004

Hi Ingo,

Yeah, I understand that's one of the reasons for the high prices of euro parts lately.  In that 
light, I'm glad to secure the price by placing the deposit.  I wouldn't mind a deal on an RS2 
exhaust manifold.  If they get any more expensive, for my play car I'd consider a tube header 
again more seriously, with a Garrett flange I imagine.

By the way, does anyone know if the exchange rate is the only reason for the jump in for 
example RS2 parts prices?  Someone was speculating that the RS2 parts might eventually 
not be produced so much, since the cars themselves are no longer being produced.  I'm not 
trying to start any rumors, this was a purely speculative thought from someone who wouldn't 
know it if it were true.

Sorry to hear about your biz, Ingo.  I would sure like to see the dollar get stronger soon.  
(well, at least after the sting of the turbo purchase fades a bit)  It sorta feels like Y2k for euro 
parts! :P


On 24 Jan 2004 at 15:48, Ingo Rautenberg wrote:

> Guys,
> I'm not in the market right now for RS2 or otherwise, but one thing is
> clear:  The US$ has fallen ~30% in the last year and 7% this year alone (and
> we're not even through January yet. So if you think you're going to eek out
> any more discounts were there aren't any -- just wait, things are likely to
> get worse (prices going up) before they get better.  I know -- it's
> effecting my business in a bad way.
> Ingo

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