[s-cars] DIY FMIC - Almost done, hit a small snag

Bruce Mendel Brucem105 at comcast.net
Wed Jul 21 21:41:51 EDT 2004

This might be both a stupid and biased question, but why do people want a
more expensive, not as portable, bumper cutting FMIC compared to water

Does it perform better? Look better? Both?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <Elijahallen92 at aol.com>
To: <forgied at ae.ca>; <s-car-list at audifans.com>
Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 2004 9:33 PM
Subject: Re: [s-cars] DIY FMIC - Almost done, hit a small snag

> Dave wrote-
> Gary: You da man (if you can bring this in for about US$600).  While I
> am not keen on having to trim (hack) my bumper support to do a FMIC, it
may not
> be possible to do my "'bent" vertical flow FMIC without some trimming.
> 6 inch high vertical flow (Spearco) cores and say 3" top and bottom tanks,
> am still looking at 12" high.  Even with the "bend" in the vertical flow
> this is a lot.  I haven't finished the cardboard mock-up that was started
> week so I don't know the answer.  In the mean time, your answer looks VERY
> attractive cost-wise.  Do you think there is any chance of welding extra
> reinforcement on the outside of the bumper support to compensate for the
> that you had to trim away?
> Dave F.
> OK, I like the top to bottom flow IC idea but I don't see how you could
> possibly get the cooling without "hacking" out the bumper support when you
> room for endtanks. The other thing is that I had the Dave Stone version of
> FMIC and with the bumper HACKED out it didn't even get bent in this
accident, so
> why or what is the worry? Also after I installed it I didn't have one
> that saw the car and didn't know about the new mod even notice it was
> So, yes its expensive, but yes its done right, and done right is worth the
> extra $$ IMHO and yes the gains were well worth it.  Pictures below.
> Elijah
> http://pictureposter.audiworld.com/71531/car2_1136_x_852.jpg
> http://pictureposter.audiworld.com/71531/car3_1136_x_852.jpg
> http://pictureposter.audiworld.com/71531/s4_1704_x_1278.jpg
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