[s-cars] Aquamist Impressions-WAS DIY FMIC - Almost done, hit a small snag

brian bilotti vinnieb2 at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 22 00:43:19 EDT 2004

Thanks for opening the can of worms. As most of you
know I had THE DAVE STONE FMIC but it went away with
snif, Edwin. My quest for power hasn't diminished
though, just rerouted. Since I got the avant I really
wanted to get the S6+ bumper set. That said, I really
didn't feel like hacking one up or waiting to
fabricate an FMIC for one so I started talking with
Trevor Frank and he was convinced it was a great
thing. Several benefits, cooler inlet temps= cleaner
piston tops= detonation protection and a slower burn.
Hmmm, sounded good to me. Fast forward. this last
weekend with Mihnea in the car we tested it. A little
background first, my Innovative 50 trim turbo was
leaking so I pulled it and replaced it with a lowly 57
trim #3 hot side, K26 Hybrid (read heat pump, at least
for our cars)so it''s producing 60-70F+ degrees above
ambient. Flip on Mr Aquamist 2D (works on injector
Duty cycle)hit the gas and the temps start going down.
All the way to 20 deg above ambient. Not FMIC cool but
I'm also using the a solution of 25% methanol. I'm
gonna get the 50% mix and see how that goes. Then
today, 85f outside and I saw 10 degrees above ambient.
Is it better than an FMIC? NO. Does it keep heat soak
at bay, YES. Could it make an FMIC better? Hmmm, I'd
like to see someone do it and get consistent negative
ambient temps. Another note, my EGT's dropped 200F. My
probe is in the turbo scroll and I was seeing 1600+,
now, 1400.


--- Bruce Mendel <Brucem105 at comcast.net> wrote:
> This might be both a stupid and biased question, but
> why do people want a
> more expensive, not as portable, bumper cutting FMIC
> compared to water
> injection?
> Does it perform better? Look better? Both?
> B
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: <Elijahallen92 at aol.com>
> To: <forgied at ae.ca>; <s-car-list at audifans.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 2004 9:33 PM
> Subject: Re: [s-cars] DIY FMIC - Almost done, hit a
> small snag
> > Dave wrote-
> > Gary: You da man (if you can bring this in for
> about US$600).  While I
> have
> > am not keen on having to trim (hack) my bumper
> support to do a FMIC, it
> may not
> > be possible to do my "'bent" vertical flow FMIC
> without some trimming.
> With
> > 6 inch high vertical flow (Spearco) cores and say
> 3" top and bottom tanks,
> I
> > am still looking at 12" high.  Even with the
> "bend" in the vertical flow
> core,
> > this is a lot.  I haven't finished the cardboard
> mock-up that was started
> last
> > week so I don't know the answer.  In the mean
> time, your answer looks VERY
> > attractive cost-wise.  Do you think there is any
> chance of welding extra
> bumper
> > reinforcement on the outside of the bumper support
> to compensate for the
> metal
> > that you had to trim away?
> >
> > Dave F.
> > OK, I like the top to bottom flow IC idea but I
> don't see how you could
> > possibly get the cooling without "hacking" out the
> bumper support when you
> need
> > room for endtanks. The other thing is that I had
> the Dave Stone version of
> the
> > FMIC and with the bumper HACKED out it didn't even
> get bent in this
> accident, so
> > why or what is the worry? Also after I installed
> it I didn't have one
> person
> > that saw the car and didn't know about the new mod
> even notice it was
> there.
> > So, yes its expensive, but yes its done right, and
> done right is worth the
> > extra $$ IMHO and yes the gains were well worth
> it.  Pictures below.
> >
> > Elijah
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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