[s-cars] RE: //SFest

Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK) WQQ2PXK at ups.com
Fri Jul 30 11:44:09 EDT 2004

Mark //SFest-ified:

<<<Date: Thu, 29 Jul 2004 22:31:09 -0400
From: "Mark Strangeways" <strangconst at rogers.com>
Subject: [s-cars] //S-fest

I can't believe my eyes..
There is 44 confirmed people showing up ...

This will be fun.

Mark S>>>

Fun indeed.  Always a blast.  Heh, Mark...  that's merely the list of those
<cough> CONSIDERATE ENOUGH to get off their lazy arse and RSVP 8-).  I check
the unresponded list and count a bunch more I already know are coming.  

Again, will be silly.  With the 4-week countdown starting today, here's an

Did some more recon with Rossato and Marc S. this week, the site is looking
*awesome* this time of year.  The camping area resembles that of a state
park.  And the road there that Bys lives off of is SUBLIME.  As are *all*
the roads in the surrounding area, DEEP in the boonies (a straight shot off
the interstate, maybe 16 miles).  We'll be passing out a 'suggested local
route' map to all who wish to road test each others cars as will inevitably
occur.  Boonies means twisty, canopied, smooth roads through gorges,
reservoirs, valleys, and hills... and little to no Johnny L presence.

Also, Bys (owner of the house / '94 S4 / '87 951) mentioned some
'wife-friendly' attractions a mere 5 minutes north...  will buy some time
for you suckers that need to bring your spouses, kids, etc.  When they get
bored they can fire off up the road, you'll not have to babysit them and can
buy yourself some more //SFest time.  Huge score with that find.

Posto & my raffle efforts have bore some wonderful fruit for ya'll (Bob
Meyers-ism) this year.  Will also have a surprise for the first 50 to show
(no Jen isn't baring herself or anything Pizzo).

Here's who's RSVP'd, from where, and with what, in no particular order:

Riff Avila		RI		'95 //S6
Norm Davis		CT		'87 951
Keith Maddock (HA!)	MI(!) 		'93 //S4
Marc Swanson		CT		'95.5 //S6A
Frank Stadmeyer	CT		'91 200TQ
Tom Pollock		MA		'94 //S4
Serge Filanovsky	NY		'95 //S6A
Ron Wainwright		MA		'90 V8Q
Richard Hill		Canada(!)	'94 //S4
James Murray		Canada(!)	'93 //S4
Jim Pasqualoni		ME		'95.5 //S6A
Jim's friend		ME		'86 5000tqa (Jim's)
Dave Brown 		NY		'95.5 //S6
Neil Swanson		CT		'94 //S4
Gary Martin		CT		'94 //S4
Steve Young		NY		'94 //S4
Jeff Postopack		NH		'93 //S4
Scott Schulz		OH(!)		'92 //S4 (allegedly kidnapping long
lost Wavey Davey Burig and maybe even Rob Eagleye???)
Jim Norris		CT		'92 500E
Larry Leung		NY		'95.5 //S6
Cecil Morris		NY		'93 //S4
Bill Healey		CT		'93 //S4
Mark Strangeways	Canada(!)	'95 //S6?
Angelo Alexopolous	CT		'94 //S4
Bob D'Amato		CT		'85 UrQ (Angelo's)
Jay Kelly		CT		'00 //S4
Joe Pizzimenti		Moon		'03 poster of an Evo from his
bedroom wall, with lots of decals of upgrade parts
Matt LeMasters		CT		'02 WRX
Rokas Reipa		MD		'95 //S6
Don Warren		MA		'95 // S6A
Rich Assarabowski	CT		'93 //S4
Adam Assarabowski	CT		'92 //S4
Chris Gharibo		NJ		'95.5 //S6A
Emre Washburn	NY		'92 //S4
Vincent Fregeac	Canada(!)	'96 //S6
Mill Baloney		IL(!)		'95 //S6A doesn't really exist; will
likely mooch sis's '92 in CT again heh heh
Mihnea Cotet		Belgium(!)	will not be tuning AT the event;
likely scheduling for the following week
Me			CT		'95 //S6 & '58 TR3A if I get around
to starting it

That's 27 //S cars already.  Kewl.

Those I know are coming but are too lazy to RSVP, and a 'maybe' or 2
sprinkled in:

Orest Bystrianiak (Bys)	CT		'94 //S6 & '87 951
Andrew Halsted		CT		'95.5 //S6
Bob Snap on Rossato	CT		'95 //S6 with parts collection used
as furniture
Bill Perron		CT		'95.5 //S6A
Kevin Quiros		CT		'95.5 //S6
Brian Werstak		CT		'95.5 //S6 & '03 GT2 & '97 F355S &
'95 E500 Euro Ltd.
Mikey Platt & family	MA		'95 //S6
Ray looking prego T.	MA		'95.5 //S6 monster drop by en-route
to Glen event again
Uncle Bob Pastore	NJ		'95.5 //S6A ditto
Peter Schulz		MA		'91 200tqa
Dan Simoes		NY		'03 Jetta TDiA
Keith Durg		VA(!)		'96 C4S
Mark Celie		MD(!)		'92 500E
Taka Mitzuani		PA		'91 200tq growing to Mahoney / Pizzo
status of nonexistent ghostly fabled car
Bob Rohrs		CT		'02 ??? & '02 ??? & '99 ??? & '63
??? muwahaahahahaha beware

That's 9 more UrS cars...  making 36.  Insane.  58 cars total, including the
4 mystery surprises above (beyond cool).  And destined to be more to show at
the door like last year.  I think we easily cleared 75-100 cars last year.
Nutty.  Tons of you coming from rather far away to boot, damn that's cool...
can't wait to meet you all.

Again, 4 weeks and counting...  looking forward to it.  Contact me with Q's
or to get on the list so you can RSVP.  And RSVP / Paypal if you're coming
and have not yet, thanks.

CT home of //SFest

ps.  event is rain or shine.  Be a Boy Scout and Be Prepared...  bring rain
jacket and appropriate shoes, we'll have fun either way really, guaranteed.

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