[s-cars] RE: //SFest - NY guys!

Emre Washburn yumyjager at gmail.com
Fri Jul 30 12:07:38 EDT 2004

Any NY guys want to gather at a meeting spot, and have a S-car caravan
to S-Fest? I think it would be cool to have 6-8 S-cars roaming the
open roads all at once :-)

92 //S4
90 Cq
40 valves to many!

On Fri, 30 Jul 2004 11:43:23 -0400, Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK)
<wqq2pxk at ups.com> wrote:
> Mark //SFest-ified:
> <<<Date: Thu, 29 Jul 2004 22:31:09 -0400
> From: "Mark Strangeways" <strangconst at rogers.com>
> Subject: [s-cars] //S-fest
> I can't believe my eyes..
> There is 44 confirmed people showing up ...
> This will be fun.
> Mark S>>>
> Fun indeed.  Always a blast.  Heh, Mark...  that's merely the list of those
> <cough> CONSIDERATE ENOUGH to get off their lazy arse and RSVP 8-).  I check
> the unresponded list and count a bunch more I already know are coming.
> Again, will be silly.  With the 4-week countdown starting today, here's an
> update.
> Did some more recon with Rossato and Marc S. this week, the site is looking
> *awesome* this time of year.  The camping area resembles that of a state
> park.  And the road there that Bys lives off of is SUBLIME.  As are *all*
> the roads in the surrounding area, DEEP in the boonies (a straight shot off
> the interstate, maybe 16 miles).  We'll be passing out a 'suggested local
> route' map to all who wish to road test each others cars as will inevitably
> occur.  Boonies means twisty, canopied, smooth roads through gorges,
> reservoirs, valleys, and hills... and little to no Johnny L presence.
> Also, Bys (owner of the house / '94 S4 / '87 951) mentioned some
> 'wife-friendly' attractions a mere 5 minutes north...  will buy some time
> for you suckers that need to bring your spouses, kids, etc.  When they get
> bored they can fire off up the road, you'll not have to babysit them and can
> buy yourself some more //SFest time.  Huge score with that find.
> Posto & my raffle efforts have bore some wonderful fruit for ya'll (Bob
> Meyers-ism) this year.  Will also have a surprise for the first 50 to show
> (no Jen isn't baring herself or anything Pizzo).
> Here's who's RSVP'd, from where, and with what, in no particular order:
> Riff Avila              RI              '95 //S6
> Norm Davis              CT              '87 951
> Keith Maddock (HA!)     MI(!)           '93 //S4
> Marc Swanson            CT              '95.5 //S6A
> Frank Stadmeyer CT              '91 200TQ
> Tom Pollock             MA              '94 //S4
> Serge Filanovsky        NY              '95 //S6A
> Ron Wainwright          MA              '90 V8Q
> Richard Hill            Canada(!)       '94 //S4
> James Murray            Canada(!)       '93 //S4
> Jim Pasqualoni          ME              '95.5 //S6A
> Jim's friend            ME              '86 5000tqa (Jim's)
> Dave Brown              NY              '95.5 //S6
> Neil Swanson            CT              '94 //S4
> Gary Martin             CT              '94 //S4
> Steve Young             NY              '94 //S4
> Jeff Postopack          NH              '93 //S4
> Scott Schulz            OH(!)           '92 //S4 (allegedly kidnapping long
> lost Wavey Davey Burig and maybe even Rob Eagleye???)
> Jim Norris              CT              '92 500E
> Larry Leung             NY              '95.5 //S6
> Cecil Morris            NY              '93 //S4
> Bill Healey             CT              '93 //S4
> Mark Strangeways        Canada(!)       '95 //S6?
> Angelo Alexopolous      CT              '94 //S4
> Bob D'Amato             CT              '85 UrQ (Angelo's)
> Jay Kelly               CT              '00 //S4
> Joe Pizzimenti          Moon            '03 poster of an Evo from his
> bedroom wall, with lots of decals of upgrade parts
> Matt LeMasters          CT              '02 WRX
> Rokas Reipa             MD              '95 //S6
> Don Warren              MA              '95 // S6A
> Rich Assarabowski       CT              '93 //S4
> Adam Assarabowski       CT              '92 //S4
> Chris Gharibo           NJ              '95.5 //S6A
> Emre Washburn   NY              '92 //S4
> Vincent Fregeac Canada(!)       '96 //S6
> Mill Baloney            IL(!)           '95 //S6A doesn't really exist; will
> likely mooch sis's '92 in CT again heh heh
> Mihnea Cotet            Belgium(!)      will not be tuning AT the event;
> likely scheduling for the following week
> Me                      CT              '95 //S6 & '58 TR3A if I get around
> to starting it
> That's 27 //S cars already.  Kewl.
> Those I know are coming but are too lazy to RSVP, and a 'maybe' or 2
> sprinkled in:
> Orest Bystrianiak (Bys) CT              '94 //S6 & '87 951
> Andrew Halsted          CT              '95.5 //S6
> Bob Snap on Rossato     CT              '95 //S6 with parts collection used
> as furniture
> Bill Perron             CT              '95.5 //S6A
> Kevin Quiros            CT              '95.5 //S6
> Brian Werstak           CT              '95.5 //S6 & '03 GT2 & '97 F355S &
> '95 E500 Euro Ltd.
> Mikey Platt & family    MA              '95 //S6
> Ray looking prego T.    MA              '95.5 //S6 monster drop by en-route
> to Glen event again
> Uncle Bob Pastore       NJ              '95.5 //S6A ditto
> Peter Schulz            MA              '91 200tqa
> Dan Simoes              NY              '03 Jetta TDiA
> Keith Durg              VA(!)           '96 C4S
> Mark Celie              MD(!)           '92 500E
> Taka Mitzuani           PA              '91 200tq growing to Mahoney / Pizzo
> status of nonexistent ghostly fabled car
> Bob Rohrs               CT              '02 ??? & '02 ??? & '99 ??? & '63
> ??? muwahaahahahaha beware
> That's 9 more UrS cars...  making 36.  Insane.  58 cars total, including the
> 4 mystery surprises above (beyond cool).  And destined to be more to show at
> the door like last year.  I think we easily cleared 75-100 cars last year.
> Nutty.  Tons of you coming from rather far away to boot, damn that's cool...
> can't wait to meet you all.
> Again, 4 weeks and counting...  looking forward to it.  Contact me with Q's
> or to get on the list so you can RSVP.  And RSVP / Paypal if you're coming
> and have not yet, thanks.
> -Paul
> CT home of //SFest
> ps.  event is rain or shine.  Be a Boy Scout and Be Prepared...  bring rain
> jacket and appropriate shoes, we'll have fun either way really, guaranteed.
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