[s-cars] Re: audi maintenance -- Now: 10 reasons NOTtodriveurSoff a cliff.

Dave Forgie forgied at direct.ca
Tue Jun 1 00:15:57 EDT 2004

I don't know about the newer TL but the previous TL wasn't much
competition for even a stock S-car.  Last year I was coming back from
the interior of BC (the Okanagan Valley) and passed a friend in his TL
on an 8% grade.  For the next 50 km's he couldn't pass me, especially on
the uphills - they might have horsepower but they certainly don't have a
lot of  torque.   The only way he caught me was when I waited for him at
a Toll Booth.  I wanted to see if his Japanese passenger enjoyed 180 kph
bursts on mountain roads (albeit a 4 laner).  He just smiled.

Dave F.

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