[s-cars] RE: RS2 impressions - yup

Marc Swanson mswanson at sonitrol.net
Mon Jun 14 11:06:32 EDT 2004

Speaking of major slip slidin' down the slippery slope (say that 5 times

> It's funny...  I drove my bud's RS2'd 95.5 again Sat. night and was thinking
> of posting something about my impressions of it compared to the 1+, but you
> nailed it.

Thanks to the rapidly upcoming Mihnea tuning session I've had to make
some quick decisions about what mods I wanted for my new S6.  In a way
kind of sucky timing having already spent all my money on the car.. now
I get to go further in debt for mods! :)

I already have on order and coming my way:
- RS2 EM
- Samcos

And I plan on purchasing and installing prior to tune day:
- K26/T3 hybrid (60 trim)
- Racetronix 42#/hr injectors (smaller would be ok, but I've got one
brand new one on the shelf and 4 more are not that expensive)

One thing that crossed my mind.. whats the deal with WG mods when upping
the boost?  Will I need a stiffer spring with the Mihnea chipset or is
it all done through the WGFV?

All in all I should manage to come out of this with wallet at least
partially intact compared with the full RS2 kit..  I'm looking at:

EM: $750 (used, lightly)
turbo: $750
injectors: $179
samcos: $230
programming: $500

Why oh why did I have to add up the numbers?  I almost felt better not
thinking about it ;)

So Paul, do you think Santa will put presents under the hood of your S6
early this year? :o)

Its only money, right?

-Marc Swanson-
95.5 //S6 Avant
87 4ktq
88 90q

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