[s-cars] 9011 bulbs - impressions

Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK) WQQ2PXK at ups.com
Mon Jun 14 12:38:40 EDT 2004

Installed my new high beam bulbs this weekend from the recent GP, figured
I'd report back.  I only went with the highs as I have Xe's that I'm getting
ready to install (translation:  begging / pleading / mooching the Rossato
and Bill Perron engineering contingency to do it with me...  they've BTDT).


Worth the $50 odd bucks it cost?  Certainly.  THE end-all be-all answer to
lighting woes?  Well of course not, but I'm sure we all knew that.
According to Daniel (the seller dude guy person), the bulb is round vs. long
(conventional shape) and is coated with an IR film (which you can see)...
this film reflects the heat of the filament back to the filament, thus
heating the filament and allowing it to glow brighter.  Sounds reasonable.

So I'd say they're say 15-20% brighter than the normal ones, based off my
fine-tuned eyeballometer.  I did also take before and after pics if anyone
would like to see, they didn't capture the exact effect of seeing the
differences produced in person, but I think they show some good difference.
The light appears whiter and fills a slightly greater area (when parked nose
against garage door).  I've got them coupled with the Euro lenses, my
overall impression of my highbeams is now they are holycrap bright ("HCB" -
major technical term).  They produce awesome bright white pencil beams, I'm
thrilled.  Best of all, they're white and not "blue"(!!!).  Can't wait for
the Xe lows, I'm tee hee giddy at the thought...

Oh, also worth mentioning...

I also picked up their "100% brighter" back up bulbs, like $6.80 each or so.
I recently smoked my windows (no comments Baloney, Pizzo, et al) and knew
from previous cars that backing up at night with tinted windows SUCKS w/o
good bulbs.  


If my highs are holycrap bright, these are whoawhatthefahk bright ("WWtFB").
I've got them coupled with the Euro center panel, which has notably better,
whiter, clearer fluted areas for the reverse lights to begin with.  They lit
up my entire f'n back yard when I killed the ambient lighting from the

Diggin' both upgrades, see for yourself (pun intended)... 

'95 //S6 mit HCB / WWtFB lighting

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