[s-cars] Questions about ABS disable switch installation (paging Fred Munro...)

Dave Ellis UrS4 at sympatico.ca
Mon Jun 14 12:58:56 EDT 2004

Hi All,

I was reading Fred Munro's seat heater switch LED replacement writeup at 
www.UrS4.com, and noticed the ABS disable switch in his dash.  Has 
anyone else installed this switch?

Any information on the part number for the switch (from Europe I'd think 
since the ABS defeat switch was available there from what I understand) 
would be appreciated.  As would any information about wether or not the 
connector harness and wiring is present behind the switch panel on our 
vehicles.  It would be great if this is a simple "upgrade".

I've found myself wishing for such a swtich several times a year on the 
last few vehicles I've owned.  I'm out from the city a bit, and here in 
Quebec tend to get deep snow several times a winter.  In deep snow it's 
more effective to let the wheels lock up and "plow" the snow ahead 
rather than using ABS.  Being able to disable the ABS in these 
situations would be ideal.


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