[s-cars] Hydraulic brake problems, need your advice! Please read!!

chris chambers fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 23 16:25:12 EDT 2004


This guys is an Audi/Porsche specialist born and raised in Sweeden. I
have known him for 15+ years, he is very honest. Still I don't know
this system, and a s such I just want to make an informed decision.

They discovered the fluid wsa doing this when they tried to blead the
brake system.

At this time I am planning on doing the repair myself, anybody BTDT on
this kine of job?


--- Tom Black <tblack5 at cogeco.ca> wrote:
> Take the car to a dealer or Audi knowledgable mechanic. This guy
> wants to do
> a very expensive repair. 

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