[s-cars] Got my car back!

Cody Payne cpayne at bconnected.com
Wed Jun 23 16:39:49 EDT 2004

	Thought I would let you all know that I picked up my car last
night w/ the new Pauter Rods, #5 Piston, Main Bearings, Rod Bearings,
A/C Compressor, Oil Pump, and gaskets etc.

Wow...what a night and day difference between the coupe!  Man I had
nearly forgotten how to drive that car in the past 3 months waiting on
rods.  She is scary fast..I can only imagine what a FMIC would do to
her!  The good thing is since I already had 1000+ miles on her my
break-in period is pretty much satisfied.  Same block and
rings...running Mobile1.  Going to do the HSRB install this weekend cant
wait for that transformation.

Thanks to Dave Jones, Dennis, and the ASW staff for working with me
through my failure.  I would highly recommend them to anyone of my

Now when is the next dyno meet?!



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