[s-cars] Timing Belt - Day 3 and Good News!

chris chambers fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 10 13:48:22 EST 2004


My compliments to you for staying level headed throughout your ordeal,
The dealership for backing up their work and taking care of it, and to
everyone that offered advice to you.

Kind of makes you think when you realize part of what you pay for a
repair cost is in some way an insurance policy with the repair shop
accepting  responsibility in case a repair goes bad.

I had an instance where my Scirocco was serviced, the mechanic (who is
the owner of the shop) put fuel injection cleaner in the gas tank and
sent me on my way. The owner then went on vacation for 2 weeks while my
car sat in my driveway running shittier than ever. Owner gets back from
vacation and I make arrangements to bring the car back in.....but the
injectors had begun free flowing while it was parked and as soon as the
muffler got hot enough we had a nice fire. All things ended ok, but up
until the time came for me to pick up the check for the repair I was
really worrying!

It feels good to see things done right and everyone treat each other
with respect.

Off my soapbox

--- mcancellier at adelphia.net wrote:
> Thanks everyone for all the advice!
> I went to the dealer last night. Took some pictures of the head with
> it's ten(!) bent intake valves. Exhaust valves and piston tops are ok
> (pistons had a little carbon knocked off.) Dealer will cover the
> entire cost. The head is going out to a local machine shop as soon as
> the new valves come in. They will magnaflux, check for warpage and
> refurb the head. Latest consensus is that the t-belt was defective
> and failed with only had 36.9 miles on it. Phil Long Audi quickly
> stepped up to the repair and the Service Manager (Greg Hoffman),
> Service Writer (Ray Upp)and Mechanic were great to deal with. I will
> provide a final update when the car gets put back together.
> Once again, thanks to all.
> Mike Cancellier
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