[s-cars] Need Help w G-60 Brake Pad Change
steve powers
steve at thepowers.net
Mon May 10 12:20:21 EDT 2004
there should be another step in between 12 and 13, namely pump up brake
pedal several times until feel returns. You need to reseat the pistons
against the pads. Otherwise, you may find yourself without brakes leaving
your driveway.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Peter Schulz" <pcschulz at comcast.net>
To: "Fifield, Douglas" <Douglas.Fifield at TENNANTCO.com>
Cc: <s-car-list at audifans.com>
Sent: Monday, May 10, 2004 7:25 AM
Subject: Re: [s-cars] Need Help w G-60 Brake Pad Change
> Doug:
> Pretty easy actually.
> Tools /equipment required:
> Jack
> Jackstand
> 17 mm socket and drive (breaker bar) to remove wheels
> 13 mm 6 point socket and drive (to remove caliper guide bolt)
> 15mm narrow open end wrench ( to prevent caliper guide pin from rotating)
> wire hanger, short bungee cord ( to support caliper and prevent stress on
> brake line)
> wire brush ( to clean loctite of guide bolt)
> loctite blue
> 1. put car in gear and set ebrake...even better, also put a block
> ahead/behind the rear wheel on the opposing side of car.
> 2. loosen lugs ( just loosen -with wheel on ground)
> 3. Jack up front of car- and put jackstand under it too
> 4. remove wheel
> 5. Loosen Caliper guide pins on caliper - you need a 13mm 6 point socket
> for the bolt AND an narrow 15mm crescent or open ended wrench for the
> guide
> pin ( some folks grind a cheap 15mm open ended wrench, I use a bicycle
> cone
> wrench made by Park Tool co, available in most bike shops/
> 6. Important - when you remove both 13mm bolts on the guidepins, you are
> freeing the caliper from the caliper carrier, you now need to support the
> caliper (and NOT by the brake hose!!!!)
> Use a metal coat hanger, bungee cord, something, to prevent putting stress
> on the brake hose - I usually use a short bungee cord and hang the caliper
> from the strut body. If you jack the ca high enough you could also rest
> it
> on a milk crate, box, ,etc,
> 7. If applicable,. clean the locktite blue off the caliper guide bolts
> with
> a wire brush
> 8. pull the pads upward and out of the carrier - you might need to sand or
> file some corrosion off the sides where the pads contact the carrier.
> remove the pad brake wear connector if applicable.
> 9. Install new pads - if wear sensor is applicable, put that pad on the
> same side as the one that you removed,. pay attention to the routing of
> the
> harness...and reconnect the sensor wire to the car harness.
> 10. Put the caliper over the pads - ensure that the pad springs are
> centered in the caliper.
> 11. Put a dab of loctite blue on the caliper bolts and tighten them to
> torque spec in Bentley.
> 12. reinstall wheel and torque bolts to 81 ft/lbs
> 13 Remove Jackstand, lower car.
> 14 Bed in pads using Mfr instructions
> -Peter
> At 09:13 AM 5/10/2004, you wrote:
> >Listers,
> >
> >Need to change the front pads on my 95.5 S6 Avant. Have replacement
> >pads.
> >Pulled the wheels but had difficulty reconciling the Bentley diagrams
> >with
> >what I saw on the car. Usually, I feel confident tackling mods and
> >repairs,
> >but with brakes, I don't want any mistakes.
> >
> >So, I'm asking for help. If there is anyone in the Minneapolis/St. Paul
> >area that could lend me a knowledgeable hand, or if there are write-ups
> >out
> >there (hopefully with pictures) on how to change the front pads on the
> >stock
> >Girling calipers, I would be thankful.
> >
> >Have a track date in one week, so time is of the essence.
> >
> >TIA,
> >
> >Douglas shoeless in MN
> >95.5 //S6Avant - mine
> >98 Mercury Mountaineer - her work sled
> >98 Toyota RAV4 - for sale
> >73 BMW R60/5 - lonely in the garage
> >
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> Peter Schulz
> 1990 CQ (perpetually awaiting S2 3b engine transplant)
> 1991 200 20v TQW indigo mica
> 1991 200 20v TQW titanium grey
> Chelmsford, MA USA
> peter at audifans.com
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