[s-cars] RE: Stebro

Theodore Chen tedebearp at yahoo.com
Fri May 14 17:00:08 EDT 2004

--- TM <t44tq at mindspring.com> wrote:
> Matt-
> Show me proof that an IRS-equipped SVT Cobra cannot lap a road
> course faster than most Audis. No way is a stock UrS coming anywhere
> close to the Cobra's performance.
> Just look at the Solo II results of the Mustangs versus nearly any of
> the Audis- the only Audis that come close are the TT 180 FWD, the
> TT 225q and the S4tt.

there are a few factors here.  on a relatively slow and twisty course
like a solo II autocross, handling counts for more - but so does torque,
and the mustang has lots of it.

> Recent car magazine tests of the supercharged '03+ SVT Cobra indicate
> that its performance is on par with a LS1 Corvette C5, but not in the
> league of the LS6 Z06.
> I'd also consider a Camaro SS, but the Camaro is definitely too pricey
> to insure. Same thing with the Corvette- insurance too high, car too
> expensive, otherwise I'd get a C5.

what kind of insurance rates are you being quoted?  i'm just wondering
why a camaro would be more expensive to insure than a mustang.


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