[s-cars] Died on I4, now no-start

Steve Eiche seiche at shadetreesoftware.com
Mon May 17 21:16:34 EDT 2004

Well, IME, if the timing belt got taken out on the highway, you have 
lost all of the intake valves at the very least, and likely more 
damage.  Personally, I would not bother to have it put together without 
having the head removed and rebuilt.   You will just be delaying the 
inevitable and spending more time and money. 

My bet is that you are looking at most valves, and possibly some guides, 
as well as all the normal timing belt and tensioner.  Then you will 
probably find that the serpentine belt tensioner and front engine covers 
will need to be replaced as well.  This will not be cheap or easy, I can 
just about gaurantee that....

Best of luck!


>> Talked to my mechanic and he said the serpentine belt broke.  The broken
>> belt knocked the timing belt off.  His recommendation is to replace both
>> belts ($500), put everything back together, and see if it runs ok...
>> If any additional damage was done that would require the head to be
>> removed, add another $1500.. ouch..
>>> > -----Original Message-----
>>> > From: s-car-list-bounces+james.murray=ericsson.com at audifans.com
>>> > To: S-Car List
>>> > Sent: 5/16/2004 9:13 AM
>>> > Subject: [s-cars] Died on I4, now no-start
>>> >
>>> > Driving along at about 70mph, everything seemed fine.  Suddenly and with
>>> >
>>> > no warning, RPMS dropped like a rock and car dies.  I coasted to a stop
>>> > on the shoulder.  Car refused to start.  I turned the key and heard
>>> > nothing.  No cranking... nada.
>>> > I'm trying to figure out what could cause the car to die while happily
>>> > curising at 70 and also keep it from turning over...
>>> > I had it towed 130 miles to my mechanic (who I'm getting to know better
>>> > and better).  Perhaps it's something simple I can fix on my own before
>>> > he gets to it??
>>> >
>>> > t

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