[s-cars] Ignition switch replacement?

Airbil at aol.com Airbil at aol.com
Sun May 30 18:14:47 EDT 2004

Bob pondered:
"It appears that it is not necessary to completely remove the 
whole assembly.  There is mention of a screw or perhaps two but their location and access to them is not well described.  What is the trick?"

A man of your incredible skills should have no problem with this;)  
That said; the first time thru could be a bit puzzling.  I did mine 1st week of march and then did my sisters 92urS about a week later.  
Second time thru I neither disconnected the battery no completely removed the IC and it took <30 minutes..really.
Remove the IC.
Get a lot of light to shine in there to see.
It is mounted deep in the dark recesses behind the IC and at first glance looks impossible to remove.
There are indeed two allen screws beneath the red or blue loctite Klaus used.  You will have to pick this away before getting an allen wrench into them.
Loosen the screws just enough to slide the whole unit back, then tilt up the forward section and pull straight out (forward section first, connector still attached.)
Assembly is reverse of removal.  BWAhahaha!  Sorry.
No, but really; connect the new switch, slide back in the back end first and hold in place firmly whilst tightening set screws, I added some blue loctite and then put the IC back together.
If you have the new switch in hand it will offer good clues as to what has to be done.  Read the other write ups too.
HTH and good luck.  Unfortunately, this will not make your car any faster unless you count that it will preclude from blowing your starter whenst the switch doesnt return to the run position.
Bill m

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