[s-cars] NAC: Good luck voting on Tues.

Bruce Mendel brucem105 at comcast.net
Mon Nov 1 22:00:11 EST 2004

Ugh.......can you send those mails to individuals, and not the whole list?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <Elijahallen92 at aol.com>
To: <editor at s-cars.org>
Cc: <s-car-list at audifans.com>
Sent: Monday, November 01, 2004 9:49 PM
Subject: Re: [s-cars] NAC: Good luck voting on Tues.

> In a message dated 11/1/2004 9:34:32 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> editor at s-cars.org writes:
> He rides  a Serotta once every 15 years maybe...  is it just me of did he
> look  like he was about to fall off that bike?  Looked to me like he had
> case of the wobbles.  ;-_
> Anyhow, let's tread lightly on this  whole thread and perhaps try to get
> to the usual programming.  If  you want to cast your opinion on who the
> U.S. president should be, use  the poll on the main page of S-CARS.ORG.  I
> threw it up there just out  of curiosity.  http://www.s-cars.org/postnuke/
> You must have a user ID  and log in before being able to vote.
> Cheers,
> Darin  Nederhoff
> '01 Pinarello Paris with Campy Record and no  wobbles  :-)
> Sorry but who gives a sh*t if he rides a Serotta!!! Bush is a Fuc#ing
> embarrassment to this country. Open your fuc$ing eyes if you haven't
noticed  that
> by now. If you are one of the many worried people you need to think again
> be very worried if Bush is re-defeated/elected, that will be a true
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