[s-cars] RE: 7, 598, 576, 934, 231 responses on how to get smoke out of a car ...

Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK) WQQ2PXK at ups.com
Tue Nov 2 07:39:01 EST 2004

...and only ONE f'n response on how I get my f'n TRUNK OPENED!!!!!


Looks like if I had said there WERE a body back there maybe I'd have scored
a few more suggestions???  Amazing... 

Someone out there PUH-LEEEZE chime in with more suggestions on how to open
the sucker.  I've tried every combination of locking and unlocking.  I'm at
a loss for further insight, dunno what to do now.

-Paul widely known to discuss stupidity but that thread is starting to
NEIGHHHhhhh post-mortemly K. 

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