[s-cars] Current drain - I need more help!

The Gagnons bullitt at gwi.net
Sun Nov 7 16:09:25 EST 2004

I have tried pulling all the fuses and all the relays Under the hood and in
the drivers footwell and still have a 270 milliamp draw.  I even unplugged
the alarm harness and there is still a draw.  How can I find the culprit.
Are there any more relays/fuses?



> -----Original Message-----
> From: s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com
> [mailto:s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com]On Behalf Of The Gagnons
> Sent: Saturday, November 06, 2004 6:30 PM
> To: S-Car-List
> Subject: [s-cars] Current drain
> Hello,
> I am having a problem with my battery draining while the car is
> sitting.  I
> have used an amp meter to measure the current.  With no dome lights or
> accessories to simulate the car at rest, I measured 0.27 amps or 270
> milliamps.
> This seems like too much.  What is an acceptable value?
> I thinkaround 70-80 is normal.  This appears to be 200 milliamps too much
> draw.  What is there that could draw this much?
> I pulled the trunk light and saw no drop in the current draw.
> I pulled each fuse from the inside of the drivers side fuse box one at a
> time and saw no drop in the current draw.
> I pulled each relay on the relay panel behind the drivers side kick plate
> and saw no drop in current draw.
> I pulled each relay from the relay panel under the hood on the
> drivers side
> with no drop in the current draw.
> There are a bunch of fused wires coming off the battery terminal that lead
> to an aftermarket Clifford alarm system.  I pulled each fuse and saw a 50
> milliamp drop on one of them.  The one that caused the drop also disabled
> the car alarm.
> Where else should I look?
> Are there more relays to check? There must be more!
> Thanks
> Jack
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