[s-cars] Wastegate Spring and IA III+ chip

Robert Myers robert at s-cars.org
Thu Nov 11 17:08:47 EST 2004

Although my tuning is not IA, I found just yesterday that the solution to 
the exact problem you describe was to back off some from my first 
guess.  Assuming I kept mental track of the adjustments correctly my WG 
seat screw is adjusted approximately five turns in.

Adjusting and trying is a simple procedure.  If you suspect it's too tight 
back it out about half way and go for a quick acceleration run in the gear 
in which the problem is most apparent.  Based on your experience with that 
run go either tighter or looser by one turn and go for another run until 
you reach what appears to be an optimal value for your car.  You want it as 
far in as it will go without resulting in the stutter you describe.

At 12:18 PM 11/11/2004 -0800, Adam Cramer wrote:

>Anyone know how many turns IA recommends to tighten the wastegate
>spring when using their stage III+ chip?  I read somewhere 6 turns is
>optimal, but I'm not sure that's right.
>Ever since I bought the car (6 months ago), I've had stuttering at
>high boost and I'm wondering if this is related to the spring.  It's
>probably not, but I'd like to eliminate the wastegate spring as one
>potential cause.
>Thanks in advance,
>95 S6 Avant
>Seattle, WA
>S-CAR-List mailing list
>S-CAR-List at audifans.com

Random Bushism: "...I don't need to be subliminabable.."  George W. Bush, 
Orlando, FL, Sept. 12 - when caught using subliminal technique in his dirty 
ads against Gore...
Robert Myers  304-574-2372
Fayetteville, WV
'95 urS6 - Cashmere Grey

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