[s-cars] Re: I made a HUGE mistake...

William Noland wenoland at pacbell.net
Tue Oct 5 08:48:37 EDT 2004

There is a recall on S-Cars for the fuel line leak. (See the NHTSA website for details.) Is the leak
pretty much directly above the turbo on the passenger side wall of the engine compartment? The
original hose was braided steel -- recall replaces with rubber. Leak occurs most frequently in cool

If your car hasn't been recalled, expect it to be out of commission for a day or two, depending upon
the experience of your local stealer with this repair. Repair replaces the lines running back along
the firewall -- not a fun job. Have your dealer pull your VIN up on the computer and see if this has
been done. Cost of repair is on Audi NA, of course.

I had mine repaired back before the recall was official. (This involved some Vulcan mind control
techniques on the local service manager. Had my car into the dealer last month, for the first time
in a few years, and they informed me that they were legally required to reperform the recall and
kept the car from Thursday through Monday. Now, the steering rack, which they had to pull, is
leaking at a good rate. Back to the stealer this week.

Bill Noland

> In light of all this, I was just happy to be able to drive it to work
> today, since it's been sitting for the past week.  When I turned the car
> on, I noticed that I had magically lost about 2000 miles from the odometer
> when I changed the bulb on the IC.  I'm not sure how on Earth I'd get them
> back, and I'm not very pleased that they're gone to begin with!  Then, on
> the way to work (all 2.2 miles) I noticed the STRONG smell of gas in the
> cabin.  I get to work and find that my gas line is DRIPPING onto the
> engine, about a drop every couple of seconds.

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