[s-cars] Extracting your car off a parking curb (was Need PN's or??)

Gabriel Caldwell gabriel at ts.bc.ca
Fri Oct 8 16:06:36 EDT 2004

I did this once and my solution was much simpler.  When I hit the curb
it popped my centre grill out.  I jammed the grill between the curb and
the bumper.  Voila, it slid right off.  You could also keep a 2x4 in the
trunk for the same purpose.

Gabriel Caldwell

-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Forgie [mailto:forgied at ae.ca] 
Sent: October 8, 2004 12:41 PM
To: s-car-list at audifans.com
Subject: [s-cars] Extracting your car off a parking curb (was Need PN's

Gentlemen:  I have done the Doh! a couple of  times but have never  
pulled the bumper completely off.  The trick is to realize what you are
 doing and stop before the damage is really bad.  Once, I moved ahead  
again and then had my passengers pull up on the front fenders (at the  
wheel well) while I slowly backed up.  The second time, I was by myself
 and there was a slight grade away from the parking curb.  I put the car
neutral (with the ebrake off), got out (left the drivers door open),
the trunk and stood on the rear bumper.  Hanging on to the trunk lid, I

then gently jumped up and down (did knee bends) and rocked the car until
 it came loose.  The grade was very gentle so I just had to jump off and

go to the open door and pull the ebrake up.   


Dave F.

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