[s-cars] Extracting your car off a parking curb (was Need PN's or

Dave Forgie forgied at ae.ca
Fri Oct 8 16:56:58 EDT 2004

Now Charlie, I did say "gentle" slope. (It was almost level).  I would not
 have tried it on a steeper slope for the reasons you alluded to. (Dude!  
Where's my car!?).  Dave F.

>>> Charlie Smith <charlie at elektro.cmhnet.org> 10/08/04 01:05PM >>>
Earlier, Dave Forgie wrote:
>   ...         Hanging on to the trunk lid, I   
> then gently jumped up and down (did knee bends) and rocked the car until
>  it came loose.  The grade was very gentle so I just had to jump off and   
> go to the open door and pull the ebrake up.    

Yes, officer ...   
  you saw my car rolling faster and faster down the hill?
    with the trunk and driver's door open?

  you wonder how this happened?
  please remember you shouldn't ask the question if you can't stand the answer ...

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