[s-cars] Radiator fan switch temperature

Kevin Day kday at ultrameta.org
Fri Oct 8 17:25:24 EDT 2004

I was just stuck in stop-and-crawl traffic for over an hour (in the Ted
Williams tunnel no less) and the temp gauge went higher than I've
ever seen it before.  It was about 15 (angular) degrees right of vertical 
(halfway past the thin tick to the right of the center thick tick.
Geeze, a few graduations on that gauge wouldn't hurt.)  I would have 
expected the electric fan to be on high by that point, but I don't believe
it was.  I turned on the AC temporarily and think I heard the fan come
on then.  

When not moving, the fan definitely does come on high speed with the AC, 
and low speed with the afterrun system.

Anyone know what the trip point is?  The coolant was hot enough to trip
the MFTS afterrun sensor, for what that's worth.


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