[s-cars] exhaust manifold studs

Kevin Day kday at ultrameta.org
Sat Oct 9 16:24:47 EDT 2004

A previous owner installed an RS2 EM on my car.  I am not convinced
the installer did a quality job -- a couple of the studs are too long,
and the nuts back themselves off over time.  But on top of that, I just
realized that there seem to be two studs missing between cylinders 4 and
5 on the underside of the EM.  Are there normally studs in these 

Pardon the ASCII art.  X indicates a hole in the EM
where I would think a stud should be; O indicates a stud and nut.

O _ O O _ O
 /5\   /4\     . . .
 \_/   \_/
O   X X   O



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