[s-cars] MAF location

mlp mlped at qwest.net
Tue Oct 26 10:11:18 EDT 2004

We looked at doing this at one point.  It seems to me that velocity would be
a more a function of tube diameter, which in any event is already partially
"set" by the design of the MAF any way.  

It's a closed system, so you're metering the same "weight" of air
regardless.  Don't know exactly how this would play out vis-à-vis the hot
wire, but my college room mates sailing experiences in comparing Rocky
Mountain winds to Rio de Janeiro racing, suggest that it takes velocity AND
density to move a sail boat, i.e. a low density 40mph Lake Dillon "breeze"
wouldn't flip his Force 5, but a 30mph Rio de Janeiro blow would.

HTH, gotta go wash the dog

>-----Original Message-----
>From: s-car-list On Behalf Of Djdawson2 at aol.com
>In an offline conversation with John Tilden, he asked if it would be 
>problematic to locate the MAF between the IC and the TB.  
>Anyone tried this?  My 
>thoughts... Intake air temp at this point might be high enough 
>to damage the MAF... 
>and velocity through the MAF would likely be much higher due 
>to the higher 
>temps... expansion, therefore higher volume... possible damage 
>due to velocity? Anyone? Dave in CO 

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