[s-cars] Dorf commercials

Theodore Chen tedebearp at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 27 05:41:29 EDT 2004

--- Dave Forgie <forgied at direct.ca> wrote:

> Speaking of "Immitation and flattery and all that", I just saw an add in
> Car and Driver for the new Dorf "500".  In profile it looks VERY similar
> to my 93 S4 (C4 body).  But then again, the Taurus did look somewhat
> like a 5000 and a few years ago Dorf pickmeup trucks basically had Audi
> hoods and grills - except with a blue oval instead of 4 chrome rings.
> Did the brain trust at Dorf Motor Co. (aka DoMoCo) kidnap some VAG
> designers at some point??

as a matter of fact, yes.  J May was the designer behind the audi TT and
is now at ford.


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