[s-cars] RE: steering dampner replaced...

Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK) WQQ2PXK at ups.com
Thu Sep 16 09:10:41 EDT 2004

Dooksniffer damped:

<<<Date: Wed, 15 Sep 2004 20:48:10 +0000
From: dooksniffer at comcast.net
Subject: [s-cars] steering damper replaced...

I replaced my steering damper today with the VW fox equivalent.  The job
went w/o a hitch thanks to write-up provided by Fred Munro.  The steering
feels noticeably tighter.  I would recommend this 27$ 1/2 hour job to those
of you around the 100k mile mark.  However, the replacement did not cure the
mysterious popping sound at low speed cornering.  I guess on to the half
Anyone know where to get them after-market, perhaps rebuilt?
Thanks and Thanks
Ron W.>>>

OK, I've done the 'reach in and grab ahold of the suckah and yank it around'
(no editorials plz) of the dampner and it felt good.  Would those of us with
130+k in that boat still feel a steering benefit?  Love them $27 fixes I

Wish I could find this other haunting vibration up front.  Any BTDT on
diagnosing them thar subframe bushings as culprits?  Mr. Gabriel C., yours
were torn in 2 or something, no?  


-Paul vibration of course will not be $27 fix - nevah! K.

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