[s-cars] IR to RF conversion

Theodore Chen tedebearp at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 20 15:58:17 EDT 2004

yeah, you can do that.  it's the alarm that recognizes the remote, not
the other way around.  you can program both cars to recognize the same
remote.  but you have a different problem: how do you unlock just one car
if they're parked next to each other?

the one i bought has two channels.  you could each car to recognize one
of the channels.  then one button can be used to toggle lock/unlock
for each car.  it's an entry-level system.

or you can buy better alarms with more buttons, and set them up so there
are separate lock and unlock buttons for each car.


--- chris chambers <fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com> wrote:

> teddy,
> I have two 93 S4's and want to convert them both to RF. 
> Do you know if this system will allow me to program both cars into both
> remotes. That way we could both have one remote that would unlock both
> cars?
> Thanks
> Chris
> --- Theodore Chen <tedebearp at yahoo.com> wrote:
> > > i'd like to convert it to RF, and was looking at the link that bill
> > > posted some time ago:
> > > http://www.mnsi.net/~natwhite/Audi/lock.htm
> > > http://www.mnsi.net/~natwhite/Audi/Images/audialarm.jpg
> > >
> > > has anybody here done this conversion?
> > > i'm also wondering why he used relays for the pin 4 and pin 3
> > connections.
> > > i understand he wanted to ensure that positive voltages never got
> > applied
> > > to the factory alarm inputs (which are expecting a negative
> > voltage), but
> > > why not use diodes?
> > 
> > i bought the prestige APS-25CH, which is similar to the APS-25KB 
> > recommended in the above link, but it has code-hopping and
> > double-pulse
> > unlock capability.  this latter feature is more important, as it
> > enables
> > you to eliminate one wiring connection and a relay.
> > 
> > instead of simultaneously triggering the unlock wire and disarm wire
> > as
> > in the above link, my APS-25CH triggers the disarm wire twice by
> > sending
> > two ground pulses.
> > 
> > the APS-25CH does indeed flip-flop as described in the link.  on its
> > unlock wire, it will send a ground pulse when you hit unlock, and
> > send
> > a +12v pulse when you hit lock.  so you need to make sure that the
> > 12v
> > pulse doesn't get through to the factory wiring.  instead of using
> > relays,
> > i used diodes.  59 cents a pair from radio shack, and i prefer solid
> > state
> > to electromechanical devices.
> > 
> > incidentally, the link is misleading in that there is no -12v line. 
> > it's
> > ground (zero volts).
> > 
> > my alarm has another channel that i was going to use to trigger the
> > window/sunroof close feature, which i disconnected after my central
> > locking
> > module started triggering it randomly.  however, the alarm only
> > provides
> > a short ground pulse.  the window/sunroof closing feature runs only
> > while
> > it's receiving a ground signal, so a short pulse does nothing.  does
> > anybody know of a relay with a short timer built in?
> > 
> > -teddy
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 		
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