[s-cars] Re: HAP RSB update and other musings.

Eric_R_Kissell at whirlpool.com Eric_R_Kissell at whirlpool.com
Thu Sep 23 11:00:27 EDT 2004

It is great that your HRSB seems to be working quietly now. I really need
to get a ride in a car with a HRSB. Is there anyone in Northern or Central
Ohio that has a HRSB and would be willing to give em a ride sometime?

I do not have the HRSB yet. I have other places that require my limited
uncommitted funds.

But, I do have all of the installation instructions and a list of all of
the parts required that are not included.

I acquired this information during my research _prior_ to making a purchase
decision. Some of it was posted to the list and now resides in my personal
list archives. Hap provided most of the information in a quick replies to
email. These are things I felt it was important to ask about early in my
research about this potential course of action.

What's my point? Well, I guess when private individuals go out of their way
to develop aftermarket parts and arrange for their manufacture during their
spare time, I am just grateful that I do not need to do all of the
development and procurement work myself. As such, I assume it is my
responsibility to carry more of the load regarding dotting the i's and
crossing the t's to assure a seamless installation. That being said, I
believe Hap has provided me everything I need to know to install a HRSB
either with direct email or via posts to the list, and I did not even
purchase one. Kudos!

Now you guys working on the reasonably priced RS2 turbo replacements and
FMIC's keep up the fight. I cannot afford to slide down the slope any other
way ;-)


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