[s-cars] Re: RE: Headlight Cleaning (more)
Larry C Leung
l.leung at juno.com
Tue Sep 28 20:49:27 EDT 2004
Been there done that. Wattage is stock, so relays not NEEDED,
but I'd bet that (haven't had the time to do this yet) there would
be an even bigger increase in light output than the HIR bulbs
already provide. And no, the reflectors haven't melted. The additional
temperature of the HIR bulb is reflected back to the filament, raising
it's temp. Due to the conservation of energy, there is no additional
heat, so no risk to the reflector.
So, as Douglas and Darin have said, just trim the top ear of the bulb,
install and enjoy. Daylight standard. Relay's optional.
LL - NY, a.k.a. the physics teacher
> Date: Mon, 27 Sep 2004 09:38:25 -0500
> From: "Fifield, Douglas" <Douglas.Fifield at TENNANTCO.com>
> Subject: [s-cars] RE: Headlight Cleaning (more)
> To: "'s-car-list at audifans.com'" <s-car-list at audifans.com>
> Message-ID:
<6E83152BA19A9E4999C520877F1DB9D001E61C53 at dcexch02.tennant.tco.corp>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> Listers -
> Darin wrote back:
> > This only thing headlight related I have is right here...
> > http://gallery.s-cars.org/headlightfaq
> >
> > I'll keep digging...
> >
> Regarding the DS bulbs, as I recall, there is no additional work
> that needs
> to be done (other than trimming the ears) for them to work. I don't
> recall
> any comments about relays needed or reflectors melting. Anyone who
> has
> already done this care to reply and reassure?
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