[s-cars] Original Chips

chris chambers fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 4 12:18:18 EDT 2005


I am getting ready to chip my wife's S4 soon, and could probably make
her old stock ones available if you can wait.

Also I'd be willing to bet some of the chip tuners on this list have
saved the "stock" code and could burn you a couple chips and send em to

But while I don't know what code you have in your chips, I'm running
"RS2" code with RS2 FI, RS2 em, RS2 MAF, new spark plugs, new spark
plug connectors, new O2 sensor. I routinely get 20+ mpg. I don't think
changing just the chips is going to increase your fuel mileage
dramaticly, I'm guessing something else is amiss.


--- riff944 at cox.net wrote:
> Hi Guys-
> As strange as this may seem, I am wondering if anyone out there has
> the original chips available.  I am getting pretty (no, make that
> very) tired of getting ~15mpg (on a good day) and usually less.  
> Before anyone jumps on me, yes the O2 sensor is new as of last year. 
> Anyway my commute in RI consists of constant city-like traffic and a
> good day is when I wind it out in 3rd gear and get abouve 45mph. 
> Plus my commute is only ~ 10mi/day.
> So I am looking for some stock chips and perhaps better econ.  Anyone
> out there have any??  
> Thanks,
> Riff
> '95 S6 that drinks gas faster than I can drink beer....
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