[s-cars] RE: Porsche purchase made / beatings commenced

Pasqualoni, James E james.pasqualoni at gs.com
Thu Apr 7 17:45:55 EDT 2005

You mean the one right off exit 68 where Paul regularly goes to report CT
Staties excessive speeding? ;-)

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Strangways [mailto:Strangconst at rogers.com] 
Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2005 5:38 PM
To: Pasqualoni, James E; 'Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK)'
Cc: s-car-list at audifans.com
Subject: Re: [s-cars] RE: Porsche purchase made / beatings commenced

Yes, I too wonder if maybe next August we should ask to see "said" DL. I
often wonder if it actually still exists, and is not perhaps framed at 
some state police station nearby.

Paul ?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Pasqualoni, James E" <james.pasqualoni at gs.com>
To: "'Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK)'" <WQQ2PXK at ups.com>
Cc: <s-car-list at audifans.com>
Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2005 9:46 AM
Subject: [s-cars] RE: Porsche purchase made / beatings commenced

> It's amazing to me that you still have your drivers license.  Wait, I
> guess
> even that's a bit of an assumption ;-)
> I can think of no one who could appreciate such experiences, in their 
> totality, the way you do Paul.  Enjoy!
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK) [mailto:WQQ2PXK at ups.com]
> Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2005 9:27 AM
> To: s-car-list at audifans.com; Pasqualoni, James E
> Subject: RE: Porsche purchase made / beatings commenced
> Final chapter for you folks (or just the beginning?).  Read if you're
> bored
> and / or a total dork:
> My buddy picked me up downtown here last night in 'it'.  He turns the
> corner
> and I see the lowest slung silver demon bearing down on me as I wait
> curbside.  Yes he made me a veryveryveryveryveryvery VERY proud boy and 
> went
> with the GT3.
> SCHWING!  Not that the 996tt Cabriolet woulda sucked, at all, but, 
> damn if the GT3 isn't just a special, special, special car for the 
> history books.
> It starts up with a typical P car 'egg beater' clackety clack then 
> quickly settles into a notably louder than normal barkety bark brapp 
> brapp, with more than a subtle hint of fury lying beneath.  
> Exxxxxxxxcellllent.  We hopped in and went one town over to meet up 
> with his brother in his Dinan E46 ///M3 and a bud of his, and hit the 
> roads.  To boot...  it was easily the nicest day of the year so far, 
> perfect near dusk sillyantics.
> The clutch is very heavy and grabby, which was refreshing compared to 
> the cushy sterile one in the 996tt.  It feels exactly like the Sachs 
> Sport unit with the Sport Q steel FW that some here have installed 
> (Jim P's old now Keith M's Avant for example).  First thing you need 
> to make priority A-NUMBER-ONE is making note of how friggin LOW that 
> front lip is.  My god is
> that car SLUNG.
> Throttle response is not sensitive to the grains of sand in the tread 
> of your sole but to your soul itself, as if the mere muscle fire of 
> your lower buttock / upper thigh to move your foot unleashes immediate 
> fury.  There is
> no wait, the punch is NOW! immediate, and the guttural wailing shrill is
> undeniable indefinable unbelievable.  Shredding through the gears of the 
> GT3
> is ludi-stupid, the chords it strikes are defyingly inspirational.
> Especially catching rev-matched downshifts...  addictive!  But trying to 
> be
> mindful of the 4,200 limit for break in (2k miles per stealer's opinion) 
> was
> ohsotough.  Esp. that's where the car really begins to not only deliver 
> it's
> full stride, but also it's full cacophonous soundtrack.  79 miles on it 
> when
> we depart, 145 when we return.  1,855 to go before I can experience what's
> reported to be pure 8,200 rpm sublime insanity.
> Regardless, the thing HOOKS UP, hunkers down, and GOES.  That's it.  
> No squat, no roll, no nothing but pure instantaneous catapult.  
> Awesome.  For comparison the 996tt hits you like the punch of a 
> heavyweight, but with notably softer gloves and is very forgiving.  
> The GT2 hits you like a heavyweight... but with no gloves.  The GT3's 
> punch is immediate, where as the turbo cars have at least 'some' 
> degree of lag delaying the hit.
> As with the GT2, I'm again CLEARLY reminded of exactly WHY the 
> presence of double redundant speedos (analog / digital)...  2 reasons:  
> A) as your brain reduced to a quivering glob of goo against the rear 
> recesses of your inner cranium you can barely STRUGGLE the focus to 
> look down for a millisecond and
> catch a glimpse of the digital...  the analog is useless at that point, 
> and,
> 2) by the time the needle sweeps the 8:00 position on the dial you're
> already going like 75, where normal analog speedos would read about 35...
> the digital nicely quantifies for you that yes you ARE in fact doing 100 
> in
> a 25, which is odd as it feels like 25 and you can stop like it was 25.
> There's a loop of highways here that all tie into e/o in an splendid 
> array of long sweeping interchanges, on ramps, off ramps, etc. 
> (importantly read
> as:  no place for Johnny L).  We strung all three interstates together,
> repeatedly (whoops), the 4 of us each taking turns in both cars.  Equally
> stunning to flogging a GT3 is simply being witness to one being fully
> exercised before you.  Wow.  That is awe inspiring in itself, whether it's
> looking from behind, or seeing it in your mirror.  As I explored the 
> limits
> of the E46s also 8,200 new found redline (software), the GT3 behind me
> commands my complete attention.  It is slung sooo low it looks sinuously
> evil and near supercar like in my rearview.  The red shoulder belts 
> they're
> wearing can just be seen in my mirror, basking in the splendor of dusk's
> sun.  And silver is a verrry appropriate fitting color on that car, esp.
> when seen on the road, evocative of the 550.  From behind, the thing 
> strikes
> the most positively evilevil stance, scoff, Wide Body's be DAMNED!  The
> raking angle, the stuffed cambered wheels, oh mommamia me likely.
> I piloted it back to sunny Hartford to pick up my pedestrian 145k 10 
> yr.
> old
> warpig and return to reality.  Your best friend in the universe buying 
> such
> a toy is a verrrrry good thing.  Very.  It's been pre-determined I'll get
> plenty 'o seat time together with him, likely some co-driver LRP events 
> whoo
> hooo.  And further pre-determined that when and if he 'moves on' down the
> road a bit, I get the deal of the century on it.  Seeing as he STOLE the
> fargin thing (desperate dealer give away at $95k from $104k sticker), a 
> few
> years down the road you never know.
> In the meantime, keep yer eyes out for it during, say, the month of, 
> um, August.  Or something and stuff and things.  Yes, that's a
> fittingly, as that is what I was reduced to yesterday...   Beavis on a 
> sugar
> overdose...  you will be too.
> (few lame pics for ya here, link @ bottom of page: 
> <http://www.krasusky.photos.us.com/> 
> http://www.krasusky.photos.us.com/,
> also have few 1meg sound bites for those interested)
> -Paul his friends are too good to him K.
> ps.  oh ask me about the um TWO cops I innocently cut off that were in 
> my *very large* blindspot as I merged to exit...  good thing I was 
> going the speed limit due to traffic / exit ramp.  Ever see CT State 
> Pigs in stock looking Ford Taurases?  YIKES.
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