[s-cars] 12 points/set screw

Theodore Chen tedebearp at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 21 04:05:33 EDT 2005

--- Rich Beebe <rich at beebecomm.com> wrote:
> one more CV boot replacement question - where is everybody buying
> their 12 point (triple square) wrenches/bits? i've found some off
> brands online, but i don't necessarily want to buy junk. thoughts?

you won't use it very much.  mine was a "powerbuilt" brand available
from kragen.  i used it to remove the axleshafts on both sides to
replace the CV boots, with no problems.

> anybody ever have trouble removing the front stock 17mm caliper
> bracket bolts? mine simply will not budge - air tools, wrench and
> deadblow (and mallet), PB blaster, etc. - what a PITA.

i used a breaker bar on mine.

"air tools" means nothing to me unless you used an ingersoll-rand IR2131
or better.  and even the IR2131 cannot generate more torque than i can
produce with a breaker bar.

you could try a propane torch.

> what is the deal with audi and no set screws on their rotors? i
> can't understand why they couldn't put a simple set screw in the
> rotors and save us all some aggravation.

i don't see the problem.  if i need to keep the rotor on the car with
the caliper removed, i just use a couple of lug nuts to hold the rotor
in place.


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