[s-cars] Some info for those wanting to swap to a B5 S4 6-speed

Robert Rossato r0ssat0_987 at att.net
Mon Apr 25 17:16:51 EDT 2005

 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: "Gabriel Caldwell" <gabriel at ts.bc.ca>
> Exactly, and the system was abandoned when Audis started coming with
> dual airbags standard in all markets.  A 1995 S6 has the same seatbelt
> rollers as a 1993 S4 but no Procon ten system.  In losing the bracket on
> a '93 S4, you would be as safe as if you drove a 1995 S6.  That is why I
> consider losing the bracket not such a big deal on any 93+ S4.
> Gabriel Caldwell

Nope. The system had nothing to do with whether you had dual airbags or not.  It was simply a seat belt tensioning system and it was replaced by explosive tensioners on the '95 MY cars.  So, by losing the bracket you are in fact defeating a safety system.


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