[s-cars] Fuel pump photo and relay links

Steve Powers sbpowers at gmail.com
Tue Aug 2 09:59:01 EDT 2005

Dave -

> Try jumping your fuel pump relay before starting the car.  If you can hear
> the pump running before attempting to start... try and start it.  If
> everything seems normal, the fuel pump relay may not be receiving the signal
> to close when you initially start cranking.

I am pretty sure that's not the problem. We have an old FP relay
rigged to be a jumper. It simply jumps the relay contact to its power
source without needing the coil to be energized. I had been using it
to determine whether the fuel pump could be made to run. The engine
would not start despite a constantly running fuel pump.

> I don't know what gives the signal to the relay... but it sounds like this
> may be the problem.

dunno. It almost sounds like there's something preventing the ECU from
triggering the injectors unless it's already running. speed sensor?
I've got access to a used one and may try to replace that just to see.

We're also putting some feelers out to the normal Audi tuning
community. I hope to get it solved soon and will let you know what we


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