[s-cars] ProDiag VAG tool and PDA

Bill Clancy clancybill at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 4 21:52:45 EDT 2005

I noticed that you can see thru the wiring box located under the hood and 
see the interior lights inside the car.   The black and while connectors 
also come loose fairly easily.   I bet they could be pulled inside and made 
available under the driver's side dash.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David Mackintosh" <mackintosh at gorge.net>
To: <s-car-list at audifans.com>
Sent: Thursday, August 04, 2005 4:08 PM
Subject: [s-cars] ProDiag VAG tool and PDA

> I'm interested in obtaining/playing with some sort of VAG scanning tool, 
> and
> the ProDiag software from shadetreesoftware.com seems like it would be the
> most useful to me.  I don't already have a PDA, so would need to pick one 
> of
> those up as well.  I talked to Steve Eiche, and he suggested that I might
> want to hard-wire an OBD-II connector inside the car somewhere so that it
> could be used while driving.  He also suggested that a Sony SJ22 or SJ33
> were good PDA choices due to the high-res displays, and available cheap
> used.
> Anyone using ProDiag have any additional recommendations?  Any tricks for
> running the cable or locating the connector?  I do have a buddy with an 
> R32
> that I might be able to talk into buying part of it (it's probably way 
> more
> useful for his car).  If anyone has a good used PDA, cable, etc., I'd be
> interested in that as well.
> David Mackintosh
> mackintosh at gorge.net
> 541-400-6300 (cell)
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