[s-cars] Extractor for control arm bushing sleeve

cello@adelphia.net cello at adelphia.net
Fri Aug 26 13:55:53 EDT 2005

Hi Vincent,

I JUST went through this.   I had searched the archives both here and at audiworld and the results didn't work for me.   The needle nose extraction method didn't work because I couldn't get enough of a "bite" to get the leverage to pull the bushing out.  After trying different things I got pretty frustrated.   

One method recommended was also a "blind hole bearing/bushing puller" which wasn't available locally anywhere, nor was it available for rent.   I checked on-line and the cheapest price was $114 US plus shipping.  I was ready with the credit card, but not quite.

I stopped by the local Advance Auto Parts place and asked about tool rentals.  They couldn't help me so I browsed their tools aisle.  I found a tool by AmPro called "Hydraulic Valve Lifter Puller", part # T70026.  It was $8.98.  I thought I'd give it a try.   It appeared long enough and narrow enough to go through the bushing and it had two spring "teeth" that could grab the other side (blind) of the bushing. I went home and soaked the bushing with penetrating fluid.   Inserted the tool and grabbed the handle end with a pair of channel locks/vise grips.   Tapped down on the channel locks with a hammer and the bushing slid right out.

Took all of a minute.

---- Vincent Fregeac <vfregeac at sympatico.ca> wrote: 
> Hi all,
> I need to replace the control arms and I'd like to know what tool to use to
> remove the metal sleeve in the control arm to subframe bushing, NAPA
> reference preferably.
> Besides, is there any way to avoid punching the ball joint boot when trying
> to reinsert the ball joint in the wheel bearing housing, without removing
> the entire subframe if possible.
> Thanks,
> Vincent.
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