[s-cars] timing belt cover noise

Matthew Russell skippertgore at msn.com
Sun Dec 4 09:22:25 EST 2005

Hey all-

patient is a 92 s4 151,000 miles, whose timing belt was just changed.

little history: the tech mentioned he had trouble getting the belt to 
stop rubbing the cover after installing the new belt, something about a 
corner being bent and that the cover wouldn't set in there properly.  
The belt was making noise from rubbing the cover.  He said he wrestled 
with this for a bit, but then got it to quiet down.

Fast forward a week later, I heard the belt rubbing the cover just 
after start-up this morning.  If I gently push the top of the cover 
downward or to the side - it goes away for a bit, then will return.

So - can i access the lower timing belt cover without pulling the 
entire car apart again? can someone check the family album for me for a 
part number?  My current thought is to order a new upper (I smacked it 
with my fist and took out a small chunk of plastic) and lower cover, 
and install.  But until those parts come in, it would be nice to remove 
the lower cover so that it doesn't wreck my new belt.

Any tips appreciated.

-Matt, CO
92 s4

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