[s-cars] Aggressive driving, was HID lights group buy -

Postupack, Jeff Jeff.Postupack at analog.com
Thu Dec 8 08:29:09 EST 2005

I have to agree that driving 'technique' you suggested is a really bad
You should knock it off. Especially if there are ever any young drivers
in your car.

Now I am a North country guy who works in Massachusetts from time to
Up in Cow-Hampshire we drive quickly, but with respect with others on
the road.

I am stunned to see on Rt 128 here outside Boston, MA State signs that
claim "Use of Breakdown lane permitted Through Rt 24"  or something like

As a result there's all kinds of Mass-holes driving recklessly And
passing in breakdown lanes with this new found permission.

I concur with Lee and his vigor while recognizing the wonderful state of
Mass is contradictory.

It seems to me the MASS State Highway Dept does not share our prudent
manners Lee!

This MA Commonwealth is quite wacky.


Message: 8
Date: Thu, 8 Dec 2005 07:56:58 -0500
From: "Lee Levitt" <lee at wheelman.com>
Subject: [s-cars] Aggressive driving,	was HID lights group buy -
	$185/set delivered
To: "'Lino M. Valadas'" <l.valadas at rogers.com>,
	<s-car-list at audifans.com>
Message-ID: <06c501c5fbf6$e138f4a0$0701a8c0 at thorin>
Content-Type: text/plain;	charset="us-ascii"

Lino writes:

> Have you ever tried passing them on the shoulder?  Freaks 
> them out.  It freaks my wife too when she's in the car.  But 
> man does it feel good.

That's just stupid. And illegal.

Oh, and if you want a selfish reason not to do it, the shoulder is where
stuff is that will cause your tire to go flat and ruin your rims.

And then you'll be on the shoulder changing the tire.

And some fucking jerk will plow into you.

'Nuff said.


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