[s-cars] Wind noise at door driving me nutz!

Kent McLean kentmclean at mindspring.com
Wed Dec 14 12:54:54 EST 2005

chris chambers wrote:
 > I have developed some wind noise at one of my doors on both of our 93
 > S4's. If you pull in on the upper portion of the door the
 > noise goes away.

I saw this on one of those gearhead shows a while ago. [1]
I don't think I'd have the guts to try it on my car, but you
may want to think about it.

On the show, they lowered the window, opened the door, put a
2x4 block along the bottom of the door/sill, then pushed on
the upper edge/corner of the window frame to persuade the
upper portion of window frame to move closer to the body.
They adjusted it a little at a time until they were happy.

Disclaimer: I'm in no way responsible if you try this on your
car and it makes things worse.

[1] I forget which one. But they also showed how to test for
air leaks.  Some of the things they did was to close the door
on a piece of paper and feel the drag as you pulled the paper
out; put tape along the door seams to isolate where the leak
was; spray water at the seals to see where it leaked, and put
a smoke machine inside to see where the smoke escaped.  It was
an interesting show.

Kent McLean
'94 100 S Avant, "Moody"
'89 200 TQ, "Bad Puppy" up in smoke

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