[s-cars] Wind noise at door driving me nutz!

Fred Munro munrof at sympatico.ca
Wed Dec 14 23:02:38 EST 2005

Hi Chris;

I just fixed this wind noise issue on my S4 a couple weeks ago.

1. Sit in the car with the door closed. Check the clearance between the top
of the black metal window frame and the inner trim all along the top of the
door. If the frame is high at the front (tight fit) and low at the back (a
vertical gap between the top of the frame and the inner trim) you may have
to raise the frame. This gap can result from a worn lower door hinge. The
hinge can be rebuilt (I did that a couple weeks ago too) or you can fork out
~$280 for a new one.

2. Remove the inner door panel. You will see the 4 bolts that secure the
window carrier to the lower door shell at the top and bottom of the front
and back ends of the shell. These bolts allow adjustment of the window

3. Start by marking the position of, and then loosening, the top and bottom
bolts on the back of the door shell only. Just loosen the top bolt ( you
want the frame to pivot around this bolt without dropping) and loosen off
the bottom one completely. Pull the top back corner of the window frame
inwards and push the bottom bolt outwards about 1/32". Tighten the bolts.
This will move the top corner of the window frame inwards for a tighter seal
against the weather-strip and should stop the noise. If you move it in too
far, the lower part of the frame won't seal and the noise will get worse.
Play with this until the noise stops (it took me 3 tries to get it right).

4. If the frame is low at the back, loosen both back bolts and the bottom
front bolt. Pull up on the back of the frame to raise it and tighten the top
back bolt. Slide the aluminium wedge on the bottom front bolt up until it is
snug and tighten that bolt. Move the top back of the window frame in as in
3. above and tighten the bottom bolt. You may have to drop the front of the
frame if the frame binds at the front of the door after lifting the back


Fred Munro
'94 S4

-----Original Message-----
From: s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com
[mailto:s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com]On Behalf Of chris chambers
Sent: December 13, 2005 9:19 PM
To: Scar
Subject: [s-cars] Wind noise at door driving me nutz!


I have developed some wind noise at one of my doors on both of our 93
S4's. If you pull in on the upper portion of the door the
noise goes away.

I know how to adjust the window assembly by loosening the 4 bolts.
But I haven't been succesful at getting rid of the noise.

Any hints or tricks to eliminate the noise?


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