[s-cars] When it rains, it pours.

lebakken1 at netzero.net lebakken1 at netzero.net
Thu Dec 15 00:51:58 EST 2005

S-friends -
I wrote last week for poof! no boost - and then this week I get the dreaded oil pressure sending unit leak. Dumped all over my driveway last night and this morning, and then every where else I went. I didn't notice until I pulled in the driveway tonight and saw a stain that could be only one thing. Sh!t. Grabbed a flashlight, checked the oil, down two. Started the engine, flashed the sender, blub blub blub. Sh!t.
So now, I got that, no boost, an out of round LF Michelin Pilot, and three more worn out ones. The new Pilot Alpins arrive at Costco tomorrow - pretty tough to go in dripping.
Looks as if it is time to tell the four women in my life I have to spend a weekend on maintenance. Might as well put in the ignition switch while I am at it. It feels sticky in this oh so cold 20F weather we have been having.
Stacking it up in Seattle....
Thanks for the vent!!!!
Craig Lebakken
94 S4

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