[s-cars] No Passat W8 for me

spedrcr at comcast.net spedrcr at comcast.net
Thu Dec 22 18:41:56 EST 2005


Thank you for all your input. 

I had been driving my Crew Cab Ford Powerstroke Diesel pickup for the last two weeks in an effort to avoid turning 100,000 miles on my S4 when I saw the Passat. It certainly was nice after being in my truck for so long but I felt the Passat needed a second look/drive after driving my S4 right before drving the Passat. It just doesn't compare. Not buying the Passat cuz the S4 is faster, better on fuel and cheaper to repair. The W8 Passat has issues with camshaft position sensors and for the fix, the motor and tranny need to be removed from the vehicle. Got a shoehorn? I'll stick with the 5cyl. 

Thanks again for your opinions.

aka spedrcr

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