New ACNA chapter formed for RI, MA, NH, ME & Winter Car Care
Clinic at Audi of Nashua
Peter Schulz
pcschulz at comcast.net
Fri Dec 23 15:09:23 EST 2005
Sorry for the list spam, but we are trying to get the word out...
On November 1st, 2005, the "North Atlantic Audi Chapter"(NAAC) of the Audi
Club North America formed, comprising the states of New
Hampshire, Maine, Massachusetts and Rhode Island.
We're busy putting together an event schedule that comprises a broad
spectrum of driving and social events. We've confirmed our first driver
education event at NHIS on May 15th and 16th. In the planning phases are
autocrosses, clinics (teen, female only, etc), do-it-yourself
get-togethers, scenic drives, rallies and social events where people can
get together to share some good food, and simply talk about Audis.
NAAC plans to use email and website updates to communicate with its
membership in a timely manner regarding events. During its formative
months, events will unavoidably be planned on short notice so please visit
the NAAC's website (www.naaclub.org <http:// http://www.naaclub.org>)
regularly for updates. Our website can be used to register for the E-mail
list so you an receive the most up-to-date event and club information. The
registration information is only for NAAC communication purposes and will
be strictly confidential.
Sponsored by the North Atlantic Audi Club and Audi of Nashua January 19th,
2006 - 6:00 to 8:00 pm
Later-Than-Last-Minute Winter Preparation: It's not too late to get your
car ready for winter!
Audi owners and enthusiasts of all ages are invited to join the North
Atlantic Audi Club and Audi of Nashua for out Winter Car Care Clinic and
Beverages and light fare will be provided as attendees learn what makes
Audi's Quattro all-wheel-drive unique with displays and discussion of the
A4 (Torsen) and TT (Haldex) systems.
An Audi technician will also be on hand to show you how to prepare your car
for winter's hazards.
The showroom will be open to attendees to examine Audi's current model line.
Winter supplies will also be available for purchase.
The North Atlantic Audi Club (NAAC) is a new chapter of the Audi Club of
North America (ACNA) representing members from Maine, Massachusetts, New
Hampshire, and Rhode Island. Meet with representatives of the club
and find out about our exciting plans for 2006, including: a driver's
education event at New Hampshire International Speedway in May, monthly
dinner gatherings and teen driving clinics.
It's also not too late to sign up for a Winter Driving School hosted by our
sister club, the New England Quattro Club (NEQ) - catch some video from
previous schools and speak with former students about this eye- opening
snow driving school.
Interested in attending? Space is limited, so please sign up in advance!
See <http://www.naaclub.org>http://www.naaclub.org for more details about
this event and our new Club!
-Peter Schulz
Chelmsford Ma, USA
1991 200 20v Q Avant Titan Grey
1991 200 20v Q Avant Indigo Mica
1991 90 20v Q Red
1990 CQ silver (awaiting S2 engine transplant)
1990 CQ red ( to part or not)
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