[s-cars] Samco GB Update

jpb3wvu at frontiernet.net jpb3wvu at frontiernet.net
Mon Feb 7 10:12:36 EST 2005


I have sent out individual emails to those who have indicated an
interest in the SAMCO HOSE GB.  I have decided to make the
cutoff date for enrollment of the group buy Febuary 14th.  After
I collect all of the responses by this date from both the S-Car
list and the AW forum I will contact the three vendors that I
know and bargain for the best possible price. I will keep
everyone updated with all the prices I get back and then we can
place with the lowest vendor.

As of right now it looks as though there are a total of 21
interested parties, this is pretty good but of course the price
is going to depend on the number of serious participants.  We
will know that Feb 14th.



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